Dear Parents of NBC Youth during Coronavirus

Dear Parents of NBC Youth,

We are learning to do things as we go. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for opening my emails and texts and responding when required. It’s greatly appreciated. 

NBC Youth has always considered ourselves as partnering with parents to disciple our kids to know and love Jesus. In this time it’s a great opportunity for Christian parents to fill the shoes, so to speak, of youth leaders.  And our current circumstance means that parents will have a lot of face to face time with their kids that our NBC Youth leaders won’t get. 

Can I encourage you to really step into that responsibility?

Pray with your kids. Read the Bible with them. The NBC pastoral staff have made a church-wide daily devotional available to you. Watch it/Read through it with your kids and use the discussion questions (if you aren’t receiving it over email, sign up here). This situation is a great teaching opportunity to show our kids what a living faith looks like. They will remember it for years to come. 

Beyond investing spiritually into your kids, if they are home during the day, I encourage you to set up healthy boundaries for them. Monitor their time on social media. Monitor their time on streaming services like Netflix, etc. help them to find fun things to do at home aside from those things. Encourage them to create online media, rather than just consuming it (Blog, TikTok, Youtube, GarageBand, iMovie, etc). Or get them off the internet. Baking or helping to cook, or reading a book, or helping with gardening. Here is a great article about teens at home in isolation.

Can you make it a priority for your kids to connect with NBC Youth in this time? 

Being God’s family on mission making disciples of Jesus doesn’t stop because of Coronavirus. Our hope in this time is that each week our NBC Youth kids will have at least one significant interaction with NBC Youth through the week. Whether that is Friday Nights, Community Groups, or Toasties. Or we are hosting a Daily Check-in at 4pm each day for 30 mins, giving high schoolers a chance to hang out, socialise and pray together. Details are in the email. 

We are keeping to our Safe Ministry Policy for online communications with kids (if you like, read the policy here), so if you have not granted permission for us to contact your child yr6-8 online, please respond to Daniel at if you would like us to contact them. 

Thanks and we are praying for you all! 

Daniel Leach & the NBC Youth Leaders

Narrabeen Baptist